Friday 24 April 2009

Bite My Style

Three words "Bite My Style" and no this is not a curse but the latest fashion label out of Croatia by designer/stylist Zoran Aragović. He describes his fashion as chaotic mixture that incorporates different styles, materials, colours, patterns and as such creates a unique pret a porter BiteMyStyle collection!

I had the pleasure of meeting him yesterday at the Alternative Fashion Week. When I saw the name of his label, I turn to my designer friend and said to her that it was HOTT! Not only the name of the label but the clothes too. He does everything from dresses, skirts to bag. His work is for want of a better word "Unique".

When asked what the motivation/inspiration behind his label was. He said "... there are many designers trying to make their own individual style stand out, the competition is fierce so the most important thing today is to BE DIFFERENT, to be yourself - not the imitation." One thing about his label is that it's not created with a particular type of woman in mind. It is for anyone who wants to be creative and not afraid of being an individual.

So ladies if you what something a little different this year for your ward robe, "bite" his style and check out this website (

My Colourful Shoes is saying to all you beauties out there “Bite My Style”. Stay tuned for more


  1. Cool blog dude. Keep up the good work!!

  2. hi there,,thnx for the nice compliments about my work,,,
    all best

